Help the college loan debt, for college graduates to become financially stable faster to help stimulate the economy.
Why is this important?
This petition is requesting for Robert Casey Jr, a Pennsylvania State Senator to propose a bill. This bill is two fold. It would require private loans to have credit checks at multiple stages throughout a student borrower's career. First at admission to properly explain to the student and their parent how the process wil work so that they can decide if the loan should be co-signed or not. Then periodically during the semester when grades are given finally ending when the student graduates and receives their first job. This will help the student focus specifically on their major to graduate on time and find a well paying job to be able to pay back their loans. Through having the private lender paying attention to the student's finances they can tweak and make sure default rates are essentially lowered since they know exactly how much each graduate is making.
The second part would be to propose federal loans be targeted to specific high demand jobs in the United States. This way the economy would be stimulated by having an influx of jobs in those areas that are sparse, allowing graduates to make a solid earning and be able to pay back loans without defaulting.