To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

College Tuition Should be Tax Deductible

President Barack Obama and every member of Congress: It is finally time to help the middle class, the backbone of this country and the people who put you in office. Make any and all college tuition tax deductible. Help the middle class educate the future of this country without going broke.

Why is this important?

Higher education is something that makes our country a better place to live. The more educated the population the better our country is in every way from advances in Medicine, Technology and even just day to day interactions. The idea that college tuition is not tax deductible is ridiculous. When thinking over why college tuition is not tax deductible I could only think of two reasons. 1 - The banks enjoy having our younger generations coming out of college in debt and already paying interest or 2- Our government really doesn't want an educated and informed population. I'm thinking number two is the reason and number one is a bonus for corporate America. But now it's time to make a difference. Now is the time for the average American family to stand up for what is right for our future generations. College tuition being tax deductible would change the landscape of the middle class by giving them a way to send American kids to college without it breaking their savings or having to take out a second mortgage on the family home. This money gets taxed twice, once from the people that are paying the tuition and again from the people getting paid from the tuition (The Professors). Let's do something about this today and get congress to pass a bill that will finally give the middle class some real relief by making college tuition tax deductible.