To: The Colorado State House and The Colorado State Senate

Colorado Should Reject Voter Suppression Legislation

Voting is the bedrock of our democracy: we should encourage every eligible voter to do so, not create additional and unnecessary obstacles. Requiring further identification for registration or voting hinders Colorado citizens’ efforts to responsibly participate in elections.

Requiring a photo ID to vote may seem like no big deal to the many of us who have driver licenses. The reality is that an estimated 10% of Americans don’t have photo ID, and in many cases don’t have the documents required to obtain an ID, which can cost hundreds of dollars and take months to track down.

And guess who’s targeted – people of color, low-income Americans, people with disabilities, students and senior citizens. A photo ID requirement for voting is voter suppression, plain and simple.

In a big election year, we should be doing all we can to encourage citizens to participate, not creating barriers to suppress the vote. We must stand up and oppose this photo ID law as the voter suppression tactic it is.

Please sign the petition to oppose HB12-1111.

Why is this important?

Voting is the bedrock of our democracy: we should encourage every eligible voter to do so, not create additional and unnecessary obstacles.