To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Comcast Data Limit Trials

Stop the comcast monopoly home broadband data caps. Recently expanding its trial 300GB monthly data cap in several cities, it's not about congestion management, but "fairness"

Why is this important?

Comcast Quote "Our data plan trials are part of our ongoing effort to create a fair, technologically-sound policy in which customers who use more data pay more, and customers who use less pay less".

As reported by "If data caps don't improve network reliability or performance, why does Comcast now see the need to charge customers more for the same data they've been using for years? Since there's such scarce competition in the US cable industry, the answer is likely quite simple: because Comcast can."


Comcast attempts to enforce Data Limits or "CAPS" to customers in areas without competitive options should be stopped. Fair options are pay per mg/usage or allow the millions that under utilize the service pay for the 1% of those that overuse the service.