Please keep basic algebra and technical math taught at the community colleges. There are many people who don't get it the first time around. We should not be left behind. Community Colleges were always for the young person who needed more help, or the veterans and moms returning to school. Lets get back to what it was and help people succeed.
Why is this important?
It was brought to my attention by a number of math professionals that community colleges want to wipe out basic math classes for college level students in algebra and technical math. The premise being that they should be coming to college better prepared for more advanced math classes. What if they are not prepared or don't get it the first time? They are being unfairly penalized.
As an older adult returning to college after being displaced from my job of 18 years I am so behind when ot comes to math. I understand why they must keep these basic math skills taught at the community college level.
Please keep them in place.