To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate
Community services jobs bill @$2,600.00/month with single payer
We need to create new earth education and training services that pay people @$2,600.00/month with single payer health care;so that, we can Go Green and transmute the old drugging,fossil fuels and warring paradigm systems and services that keep people focused on the problems.
Time to unite humanity and focus on the Soul-utions within each person and the New Earth Community Services jobs bill that will Unite all the races, religions and 501 c3 groups with new living wage that will end the stressful economic parity and old coping skills of violence, abuse, drugging and warring.
Time to unite humanity and focus on the Soul-utions within each person and the New Earth Community Services jobs bill that will Unite all the races, religions and 501 c3 groups with new living wage that will end the stressful economic parity and old coping skills of violence, abuse, drugging and warring.
Why is this important?
We are all connected and it is time to shift the old paradigm systems of services set up by the top 1% to benefit the top 1%. It is time to unite all races,religions,Green Groups, Peace groups, alternative news media, spiritual groups, body,mind spirit healing groups, Women's groups,Teachers, coaching groups,United Federation of Tribes,Nursing groups,Doctors without borders,animal rights groups, human rights groups,occupy groups, all 501 c3 groups,lightworkers groups,Unions,new age groups, UFO groups,artists, musicians,all NGO groups,Colleges and Universities,, all Health and Human Service groups, Social Service groups, the Alliance of Mayors and Governors and Chamber of Commerce groups to work together to co-create the New Earth Communities of Light with divine governance that puts FOCUS on the alternative healing services, Green services, infrastructures and unity services of the individuals,communities, states, USA and world wide.
Every community needs New Earth Community Services that provide a guaranteed living wage @$2,600.00/month for more & more TEACHERS, coaches, animal care takers,GREEN JOBS including HEMP Farms and edible landscaping crews-with all the natural herbs , FREE EDUCATION and single payer for all the ALTERNATIVE HEALING and ARTs METHODS, cultural arts, GREEN ENERGY JOBS, Infrastructures, housing for homeless attached to the Healing Arts and Transformation centers open 24/7 , life coaches and more sports for all the aggressive-competitive youth and UFO STUDIES FOR UNIVERSAL TRAVEL INTO THE UNLIMITED UNIVERSE.
Economic Stress and lack of New Earth Education and Training services cause dis-ease, violence, suicide, abuse and more wars and more separation.
We are the 99% and each person has a Soul purpose that is creative and full of love and light energies needed to help co-create the new earth populism services for true democracy for every community uniting for world healing, Unity and peace projects.that provide true social security, freedom and justice for all from inside out.
Every community needs New Earth Community Services that provide a guaranteed living wage @$2,600.00/month for more & more TEACHERS, coaches, animal care takers,GREEN JOBS including HEMP Farms and edible landscaping crews-with all the natural herbs , FREE EDUCATION and single payer for all the ALTERNATIVE HEALING and ARTs METHODS, cultural arts, GREEN ENERGY JOBS, Infrastructures, housing for homeless attached to the Healing Arts and Transformation centers open 24/7 , life coaches and more sports for all the aggressive-competitive youth and UFO STUDIES FOR UNIVERSAL TRAVEL INTO THE UNLIMITED UNIVERSE.
Economic Stress and lack of New Earth Education and Training services cause dis-ease, violence, suicide, abuse and more wars and more separation.
We are the 99% and each person has a Soul purpose that is creative and full of love and light energies needed to help co-create the new earth populism services for true democracy for every community uniting for world healing, Unity and peace projects.that provide true social security, freedom and justice for all from inside out.