1,000 signatures reached
To: California Governor Gavin Newsom
Commute Tommy Lee Wickerd (H77857)

Dear Governor Newsom:
I strongly support the application for commutation for Tommy Lee Wickerd (H77857).
I have recently watched the documentary film 26.2 to Life which introduced me to Tommy's life and story. Through the film I was able to learn about Tommy’s positive transformation through self-desired rehabilitation. The film gave me insight into Tommy’s transformation and I fully support his re-entry into society. Tommy has valuable contributions to share with the free world, and keeping him locked up robs society of the many gifts and skills he has to share with us all.
Tommy shares with honesty about his past, and has accepted responsibility for his crime. He is no longer a threat to society, but has clearly transformed and dedicated his life to improving himself.
Tommy serves as the President of the 1000 Mile Club supporting other incarcerated people to develop healthy running habits, and he is a 5 time marathon runner, which takes devotion and dedication to achieve.
Tommy is also dedicated to serving the deaf and hard of hearing community inside San Quentin. On October, 10, 2023, 35 men will graduate from Tommy's inaugural American Sign Language Class inside the prison. There are 11 deaf/hard of hearing men incarcerated at San Quentin who now have 35 more people they can communicate with. This demonstrates Tommy's desire to be of service and support community in positive ways, and also shows that he has employable skills as an ASL instructor upon release.
Tommy has also earned his GED inside San Quentin, giving him a solid education that he did not have before. It’s clear from the film that Tommy has a loving family to return to, as well as a stable home. His children and wife deserve to spend their lives with him.
Please use your power to commute the sentence of Tommy Lee Wickerd (H77857).
I strongly support the application for commutation for Tommy Lee Wickerd (H77857).
I have recently watched the documentary film 26.2 to Life which introduced me to Tommy's life and story. Through the film I was able to learn about Tommy’s positive transformation through self-desired rehabilitation. The film gave me insight into Tommy’s transformation and I fully support his re-entry into society. Tommy has valuable contributions to share with the free world, and keeping him locked up robs society of the many gifts and skills he has to share with us all.
Tommy shares with honesty about his past, and has accepted responsibility for his crime. He is no longer a threat to society, but has clearly transformed and dedicated his life to improving himself.
Tommy serves as the President of the 1000 Mile Club supporting other incarcerated people to develop healthy running habits, and he is a 5 time marathon runner, which takes devotion and dedication to achieve.
Tommy is also dedicated to serving the deaf and hard of hearing community inside San Quentin. On October, 10, 2023, 35 men will graduate from Tommy's inaugural American Sign Language Class inside the prison. There are 11 deaf/hard of hearing men incarcerated at San Quentin who now have 35 more people they can communicate with. This demonstrates Tommy's desire to be of service and support community in positive ways, and also shows that he has employable skills as an ASL instructor upon release.
Tommy has also earned his GED inside San Quentin, giving him a solid education that he did not have before. It’s clear from the film that Tommy has a loving family to return to, as well as a stable home. His children and wife deserve to spend their lives with him.
Please use your power to commute the sentence of Tommy Lee Wickerd (H77857).
Why is this important?
As Bryan Stevenson, Founder and Executive Director of the Equal Justice Initiative says in a special forward to 26.2 TO LIFE, we are all more than the worst thing we've ever done.
Both the former warden of San Quentin, Ron Broomfield, as well as Senator Scott Wiener, have written letters in support of commuting Tommy's sentence.
Both the former warden of San Quentin, Ron Broomfield, as well as Senator Scott Wiener, have written letters in support of commuting Tommy's sentence.
How it will be delivered
By mail:
Governor Gavin Newsom
1021 O Street, Suite 9000
Sacramento, CA 95814