To: President Donald Trump, The Maryland State House, The Maryland State Senate, Governor Larry Hogan, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

COMPROMISE - The "C" word. It is time or our great country comes together and embrace "WE THE PEO...

"WE HOLD THESE TRUTHS TO BE SELF EVIDENT that all men are created equal". It is time to embrace Democracy as it was foreseen by Thomas Jefferson & the Signers of the Declaration of the Independence and come together as "We The People". PLEASE read the Declaration again before you make ANY political statements!!!

Why is this important?

I am tired of all of the bickering & hate that has stalemated the government in DC. The corporate $'s have 'poluted' the Democratic process - as our Founding Fathers originally intended. Are we meant to be subserviant to Oligarchs or Corporations? The 21st Century Dilemma. It is time for a discussions about REAL change.