To: Rep. Janice Schakowsky (IL-9)

Concerned Citizens: Supporting Voting Rights

Believe that every citizen in this country regardless of race, ethnic group, socio-economic status, of legal age to vote, gender, sexual orientation, disability/ability, religious, or political affiliation ought to have the right to vote on the Federal and State levels. Any State found to discriminate, or prevent , or circumvent in any manner, any of the above cited groups, i.e. American Citizens. All States ought to comply and to be held accountable and liable and fined to the full extent of the law if not doing so. We are a country who extols democracy!

Why is this important?

The Voting Rights Act is an inexplicably integral part of our Constitution and The Bill of RIghts for ALL legal American Citizens. It's the right thing, and democratic thing to do, and all States ought to abide by this legislation, with consequences if not adhered to. Our country stands for Democracy. Let's not let voters down!
