To: Michigan State University Department of Residence Life

Concerns about RA Roommates

Concerns Regarding the Placement of Transitional Roommates in RA Rooms for the Fall of 2012

This list raises the concerns of RAs at MSU. Many RAs work very hard for the Department of Residence Life and all RAs deserve to have their voices and concerns heard and addressed. This list has the potential to grow as more RAs connect and share their thoughts on the matter.

1. The extra stress an RA will feel will cause them to be less effective in establishing a solid community. The well being of the RA is particularly important during the first 6 weeks of the semester. Without their own space and privacy, the RA will burn out quickly which will result in unsuccessful floors and ultimately an unhappy MSU community.

2. The compensation for RAs is a single room and a meal plan. By assigning the RA a roommate, their compensation is cut, they are receiving extra work, and their privacy is taken from them. This will lead to very unhappy RAs which will lead to unsuccessful communities.

3. Last year Mentors were offered $100/week to have a roommate during a transitional period because a room is part of our compensation. Why is this different now? What will the RA receive if the roommate stays in their room a week? A month? A semester?

4. Transitional housing affects the residents in transitional housing. These effects have not seemed to be long lasting from the experience this past fall. Placing a transitional student in an RA room, however, will have negative effects on the entire community. This type of transitional housing will affect every student, not just those in the triple rooms.

5. Are students in single rooms being contacted and offered compensation for taking on a transitional roommate?

6. What priority will the RAs with transitional roommates be given in the breakdown of transitional housing? Will all triples be broken down before RA rooms are broken down? If RA rooms are first priority then why place residents in them? The stress this will cause for the resident and the RA is not worth having one less triple room.

7. How will RA rooms with transitional students be broken down? Who will get priority in this situation? This situation could cause resentment between RAs on staff and across campus who have their roommates moved out before others.

8. It has been stated that OCAT Aides will not host transitional students. This can likely lead to resentment between the RAs and Aides since the RAs will be very unhappy and uncomfortable.

9. RAs are expected to be welcoming and helpful to all residents as they move into their rooms. An RA will have a difficult time being helpful and attentive to their new residents if they are concerned about their roommate arriving and trying to move all of their things into the RA’s room, which will have already been set up for 2 weeks since the RA moves in early for fall training.

10. RAs have many responsibilities, but RAs are students and individuals too. They need to be treated fairly, and placing a resident in their room while still expecting them to complete their duties and be successful students is unreasonable.

11. Where would RAs go to resolve conflicts as they arise on the floor. During the first few days/weeks these are prevalent as people get settled. Conversations with a roommate would not be private and there aren't always options on the floor or even in the building for a private/safe space. There is also concern with lack of privacy in terms of disclosure. The roommate might not know why someone is coming to see the RA, but they will know someone IS coming to see the RA and who they are. This could cause rumors and drama on the floor, particularly among roommates if there's a conflict between them. Even if someone is going through something serious, now there's someone else who knows something is up.

12. RAs are concerned that residents (especially new ones that don't know the RA) will be nervous to come seek them out knowing that their roommate could very well answer the door, especially when something occurs in the middle of the night. Current residents have confirmed that this would discourage them from reaching out to their RA for help.

13. During the first weeks, RAs fill out resident info sheets, roommate agreements, and more. With a roommate, the RA cannot have any sensitive documents or those pertaining to their job specifically in their room, they must be kept in an office (for West Circle this could very well mean another building entirely). This doesn't make things easy if a roommate conflict or something comes up and the situation must be paused so an RA can run somewhere to grab the documents.

14. If the RA has any personal or confidential documents in their room and the roommate, the roommate’s friends, or other residents from the floor have access to these documents or personal information, what action can be taken? Personal property needs to be respected.

15. Not all RA rooms are the same...

Why is this important?

The Michigan State University Department of Residence Life has decided that all RAs will be subject to assignment of a "temporary" roommate for the fall of 2012. This will be in the RA contract that will be signed this spring.

The following is a list of concerns compiled by Resident Mentors from a variety of building across Michigan State University's campus.

Please read this list of concerns and if you agree with them, please sign this petition which will be presented to Kathy Collins, the Director of Residence Life.
