To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate
Congress: Allow Funding for CDC Research on Assault Rifles
In light of the increase in the number of mass shootings in this country, the US Congress should clear the path for funding in order that the Centers for Disease Control can research and collect data on gun violence to ascertain whether or not it poses a public health risk. The US Congress should also exclude the National Rifle Association from the conversation about said research and data collection.
Why is this important?
When automobile deaths were on the rise, our government funded research to make cars/driving safer and the number of annual deaths was reduced. The same should hold for guns. The CDC has attempted before to collect data on gun violence, but the US Congress (backed by the NRA) stood in its way. It's time that research was funded, that data collected. I started this petition in hopes of helping to prevent future mass shootings resulting in the loss of innocent American lives.