To: The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Donald Trump

Congress: Create and Pass a Truth in Media Law

We call upon Congress to create and pass a Truth in Media Law, which would protect the freedom of the press and free speech, while also ensuring the "news" is factual and representative of actual events, statistics, analysis, language, and actions. We need a law to make it illegal to willfully lie and misrepresent the news, rather than through the presentation of impartial and objective truth and facts.

Why is this important?

I am starting this petition to ensure the citizens of the United States of America have a way to access information they can rely on to be objectively accurate and impartial, without taking on the arduous task of sifting through dozens of "fake news" sites to try and piece together what may or may not be true, and which may inadvertently play into ones confirmation bias. It is an unfair burden, and puts up roadblocks to democracy. Propaganda is not news. We need to be able to easily differentiate between the two.