To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate
Congress: Don't Hand Wall Street an Early Holiday Bonus
Wall Street lobbyists are swarming Washington, begging lawmakers to jam dangerous financial deregulation measures onto a “must-pass” spending bill. Tell Congress to keep Wall Street’s wish list out of any budget deal.
Why is this important?
Once again, Wall Street hopes to attach dangerous and widely unpopular deregulation measures to a “must-pass” omnibus spending bill. Lobbyists are telling their allies they’re putting the “pedal to the metal” and going “all out” to get their way.
As a part of their frenzied push, they’re also taking cheap shots at Senator Elizabeth Warren and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau with ridiculously over-the-top attack ads. The banks know the year-end spending bill is their best shot – so they’re working every angle they can.
Don’t let them succeed. Tell your representatives in Washington that they need to stand up for consumers, and for the public, and not let Wall Street take the budget hostage.
As a part of their frenzied push, they’re also taking cheap shots at Senator Elizabeth Warren and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau with ridiculously over-the-top attack ads. The banks know the year-end spending bill is their best shot – so they’re working every angle they can.
Don’t let them succeed. Tell your representatives in Washington that they need to stand up for consumers, and for the public, and not let Wall Street take the budget hostage.