To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
Congress: Don't let small business down: Reject FAST TRACK of the Trans Pacific Partnership
We the members of the American business community call on Congress to reject FAST TRACK. To date, negotiations for the TPP have been conducted in secret between the USA and officials from 13 Pacific Rim counties. This represents 40% of the economy of the world.
If Congress passes Fast Track, this far-reaching legislation would be pushed through without debate, giving authority over trade agreements to the presidency.
The inclusion of multinational corporations as key stakeholders is especially concerning given the complete absence of input from the small business community, the general public, or even members of Congress. We fear that the TPP will undermine competition where the best product wins.
The small business community of the USA calls on Congress not to side-step its constitutional responsibility to review trade agreements.
If Congress passes Fast Track, this far-reaching legislation would be pushed through without debate, giving authority over trade agreements to the presidency.
The inclusion of multinational corporations as key stakeholders is especially concerning given the complete absence of input from the small business community, the general public, or even members of Congress. We fear that the TPP will undermine competition where the best product wins.
The small business community of the USA calls on Congress not to side-step its constitutional responsibility to review trade agreements.
Why is this important?
The TPP, like its precursor the North American Free Trade Agreement, will harm the local economy. Leaked sections contain many troubling provisions:
Reinstate SOPA and give unearned competitive advantage to legacy media companies.
Privilege major financial institutions over credit unions and the emerging sector of public banks.
Weaken current safety regulations including food inspections, and allow importation of food not up to American safety standards.
Hinder renewable energy producers by blocking regulations and limiting deployment of smart grid and other infrastructure.
Of greatest concern, the pact would allow corporations to sue governments in an international tribunal, and force the reversal of sound regulations.
Please sign, and indicate in the comment section your private sector connection, so our legislators know that prosperity and security are only enhanced when each nation builds an economy that respects human rights, reflects local conditions, and supports small businesses.
American Sustainable Business Council
Reinstate SOPA and give unearned competitive advantage to legacy media companies.
Privilege major financial institutions over credit unions and the emerging sector of public banks.
Weaken current safety regulations including food inspections, and allow importation of food not up to American safety standards.
Hinder renewable energy producers by blocking regulations and limiting deployment of smart grid and other infrastructure.
Of greatest concern, the pact would allow corporations to sue governments in an international tribunal, and force the reversal of sound regulations.
Please sign, and indicate in the comment section your private sector connection, so our legislators know that prosperity and security are only enhanced when each nation builds an economy that respects human rights, reflects local conditions, and supports small businesses.
American Sustainable Business Council