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To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Congress: It's time to end the Turbo Tax scam!

In an ideal world, tax returns would be easy, automatic, and no big deal.

But they never will be so long as Turbo Tax parent company Intuit continues to run its sleazy PR campaign to discredit the IRS — even while stopping tax reform from going forward in Congress!

For years now, Intuit has fought tooth and nail to prevent automatic tax filing from becoming a reality, lobbying against bipartisan legislation to make sure our taxes are as arduous and annoying as possible.

Why is this important?

Companies will never stop trying to manipulate the government into giving them a bigger market share. But we can still call out our lawmakers for caving in — and we now have a full year to tell them enough is enough.




2022-03-05 01:22:58 -0500

25 signatures reached