To: The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Donald Trump

Congress: move these children out of these cages!

Congress needs to send more immigration judges, attorneys, social workers and volunteers (we can all volunteer) to Homestead FL, & McAllen, TX to move these children through the court system; reunited with their parents and/or family they came with to the US. We cannot let these children rot in these cages; with no parent or family member to help them; inadequate food, water and basic hygiene needs! This is reprehensible - happening here in our country!! We are all responsible when we do nothing!!

Why is this important?

The petition itself says what it is about and why I am starting this petition! We Americans must speak up and speak out loudly!! I have written to our own Senators from MN, many other Senators, our Representative from the 2nd Dist of MN and many other Representatives - news outlets, and journalists - MSNBC, CNN, - Rachel Maddow, Chris Mathews. And I have contacted the Immigrant Law Center of MN; the American Immigration Lawyers Assoc.; and the Office of Refugee Resettlement of H.H.S. -- I received a call from the American Immigration Lawyers Assoc - but the person who called said he couldn't help me, I would have to call another person... will do that next. We need to insist that these children do not spend one more day in these cages!! These children are precious minds waiting to learn and grow!! Is this the experience we want them to grow in?