To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Congress Must Cut Its Salaries, Benefits.

Demand Congress cut its salaries to $100,000 per year, eliminate its taxpayer funded pensions for all current and prior Members, eliminate its taxpayer-funded healthcare and access to federal employees healthcare programs, eliminate its free gym and other benefits.

Why is this important?

Congress is poised to cut medicare, social security, medicaid, planned parenthood and other key social programs. Taxpayers pay for high salaries, benefits, pensions for Members of Congress. We demand that Congress begin its budget-cutting by: 1. Reducing their salaries by 40%. 2. Eliminating all pensions, including former members, but enabling them to be eligible for social secuirty. 3. Eliminate free gym and other privileges. 4. Eliminate Congress's taxpayer subsidized health care, mandating they purchase healthcare insurance from their home states. Taxpayers can no longer afford these costs.