To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate
Congress Needs Term Limits
Help America to recover from the worst financial crisis since the great deporession. Make our government accountable, by imposing term limits on congress and the house of representatives. If they won't work for us, then we will replace them with someone who is willing and can get the job done. Stop the stalemate and start government accountibility!
Why is this important?
America can no longer sit back and wait for the federal government to decide whether they want to run an effective administration that will turn this country around. The U.S. lawmakers need to have term limits, so that those who are not proactive and effective can be voted out, and replaced by those who truly want to make and keep this country the global leader. America can no longer afford to sit back and allow government, republicans nor democrats continue to hold our country hostage, while they look for ways to impose selfserving idealogy.