To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Congress: PASS the 28th Amendment

Corporations are NOT citizens: We implore you, our Duly Elected Legislators, to pass the 28th Amendment to the US constitution and make it Illegal for Corporations or any other NON-Citizen to unfairly influence OUR elections or our legislative processes.

Why is this important?

Corporations have been given citizenship by the supreme court in two rulings in the past 40 years...the most recent of which was Citizens United which gave corporations an unfettered ability to influence our political system. The other is a little known ruling Buckley v. Valeo (1976) upheld limits on campaign contributions, but held that spending money to influence elections is protected speech as in the first amendment. These two have created the current legislative environment we find ourselves in and its time for the 28th Amendment: Corporations are not citizens and DO NOT have the same rights as someone BORN a Citizen. It is Illegal for any Corporation, trade union, or other registered Organization to donate to candidates or otherwise attempt to influence elections or the legislative process.
