To: Rep. Warren Davidson (OH-8), Sen. Mitch McConnell (KY-1), The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Congress: Raise the minimum wage.

Speaker Boehner and Minority Leader McConnell: No one can survive on $7.25. It's time to raise the minimum wage. Please don't block an increase.

Why is this important?

In the State of the Union, President Obama called for raising the minimum wage to $9 an hour. We need it desperately. Please, Congress, raise the minimum wage.

I immigrated to Maryland from Cameroon in search of a better life.

Today, I work as a day laborer, making just the minimum wage, $7.25 an hour. I do construction and other physical labor. If the boss tells you to go breakdown a wall, and you spend all day breaking it down. It's demanding. You use every ounce of physical strength and every muscle in your body, and when you get home you are exhausted.

But you have no money to show for all the hard work. The money goes to rent, bus fare, food, and taxes. It's frustrating and it's scary.

It's impossible to keep my rent paid, keep the lights on and keep food on the table on the minimum wage. It's impossible to save for the future. It's impossible to imagine supporting a family.

Workers making the minimum wage are truly struggling.

Please, Speaker Boehner and Minority Leader McConnell: don't block President Obama's minimum wage increase. We need a raise.

