To: The United States House of Representatives
Congress: Should take 50% salary cut
Congress should stay in session until they get the people's work done, which is THE JOB; make a budget and pass it. Review all agencies and programs, work through potential wasteful expenditures, and refine budgets as nessary to preserve public funds where possible. DO YOUR JOB! Hard working people have to actually work to get a paycheck... what about you????
Why is this important?
Congress 'works' only about half the days of a full time worker, so they should get paid for the days they work. Their inability to actually do the people's work may potentially cause me and THOUSANDS of others to be furloughed, while they get paid for NOT DOING THEIR JOB. I work hard and think they should do actual work for their public salaries. An honest day's work for a day's pay... should apply to congress.