To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate
Congress: Stop being bullied by the NRA
Congress: The gun lobby does not speak for me. Stop letting the NRA control the conversation.
Why is this important?
We don't want to be bullied by the NRA any longer.
This week, Stop Handgun Violence released a billboard campaign that said "We're Not Anti-Gun, We're Pro-Life: Massachusetts Gun Laws Save Lives." The hope was that people who read the message would understand that we're not trying to ban guns, instead we're trying to enact responsible gun laws that help save lives.
However, this message is the NRA's worst nightmare: responsible gun laws work. They immediately called upon their members to harass billboard companies until they removed the billboards. These same intimidation and scare tactics are used against Congress and the result is 83 gun deaths a day.
Our message must be heard. The Constitution is much more than the Second Amendment, in fact we could start with the First.
Please tell Congress to join me. We won't be silenced and the NRA will not bully us any longer.
This week, Stop Handgun Violence released a billboard campaign that said "We're Not Anti-Gun, We're Pro-Life: Massachusetts Gun Laws Save Lives." The hope was that people who read the message would understand that we're not trying to ban guns, instead we're trying to enact responsible gun laws that help save lives.
However, this message is the NRA's worst nightmare: responsible gun laws work. They immediately called upon their members to harass billboard companies until they removed the billboards. These same intimidation and scare tactics are used against Congress and the result is 83 gun deaths a day.
Our message must be heard. The Constitution is much more than the Second Amendment, in fact we could start with the First.
Please tell Congress to join me. We won't be silenced and the NRA will not bully us any longer.