To: The United States House of Representatives

Congress: Don't Trade Jobs for Profits

I've had enough of bad trade deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership that trade U.S. jobs to the lowest bidder and increase the power of big corporations over our democracy. I urge you to stand up to this corporate power grab and vote no on fast track.

Why is this important?

Had enough of bad trade deals that hurt U.S. jobs and workers?

Ever since NAFTA passed 20 years ago we've heard the rhetoric about trade deals that create jobs only to be hit with the reality later: these deals are about keeping wages low by trading U.S. jobs to the lowest bidder and protecting the profits of big corporations.

Over the past few years Corporate CEOs have been setting their priorities for the biggest trade deal of them all - the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Now they want Congress to help speed things along by authorizing a special set of “Fast Track” rules for the deal so that when the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations are complete it can be pushed through without allowing time for close review, debate or amendments.

It’s no wonder companies don’t want Congress to take a close look at what’s been going on behind the closed door of the negotiations. The deal gives special rights and benefits to companies that offshore investment and jobs and allows companies to attack our labor, environmental and consumer standards by suing countries that adopt legislation that might limit their future profits.

Please take action today and tell your member of Congress to stand up to this corporate power grab and vote NO on Fast Track authorization for the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
