To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Congress: Take action on "Tick-Borne Diseases Advisory Committee"

We urge all members of Congress to: 1) support and 2)bring to a vote, during 2014, legislation already introduced, in early 2013/14, as pending bills: House HR.611 and Senate S.719.

These provide for co-ordinated State/Federal efforts related to Lyme and other tick-borne diseases,; AND most critically include the establishment of a Tick-Borne Diseases Advisory Committee.

The diversity of this committee membership is broadened to include: patients, patient advocates, actual clinical providers, research and both state and federal governmental agencies.

There are critical provisions for:
1) Ongoing evidence collection and assessment of needs, as a result of a broader spectrum of practitioners direct experience in treating both acute and chronic phases of the spectrum of tick-borne disease states;

2) Development of better diagnostic tests for those disease states; and a more comprehensive survelillance and reporting via the creation of a national uniform reporting system.

The House and Senate bills are very similar, and currently very close to 50% bi-partisan co-sponsorship in each Congressional body. Ticks are not partisan; but people vote ( and when are the elections? )

Why is this important?

You probably know someone with such diseases, or soon will. These diseases are growing rapidly, and the lack of adequate tests for the various disease states is urgently needed.

From multiple personal family experiences, I know that these diseases are either dismissed or mis-diagnosed; AND are under-reported, and as a result are too often NOT treated promptly.

As a scientist, myself (currently undergoing treatment), and from observations of family members and friends who have or are suffering from one of these illnesses::

It is clear, that the voices of a broader representation of those involved in the actual practice of treating chronic tick-illnesses, as well as patients and patient advocates must be heard, to provide a more balanced input so that proper public health policies and guidelines can be forthcomming.

Let's not waste billions on wars, and armaments...
Let's work with other governments, to address this widespread publich health menace. It could make people well, promote the public good, and further the understanding or antibiotic resistant threats..

Please join in this effort to make the world a better place.