To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
Congress: We insist, take marijuana off the list
Tell the President and Congress to make the FDA take marijuana off the controlled substances list. This will save millions of dollars and stop this double standard once and for all.
Why is this important?
Marijuana has been mislabeled a Schedule 1 controlled substance since President Nixon passed the Controlled Substances Act in 1970. While tobacco kills more people than all the drugs, legal and illegal combined, it can be sold anywhere and grown anywhere legally; marijuana can't.
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher and seventeen other congresspeople have already signed a letter to ask President Obama to take marijuana off the controlled substances list. This is a great start but we need to apply more pressure.
Because marijuana is considered a class 1 drug, medical marijuana stores where it’s sanctioned can’t set up a bank account, and have to operate as a cash only business. This is the excuse many cities use to try to zone medical marijuana stores out of existence.
This is a Tenth Amendment issue if there ever was one. The federal government should not be telling states what their residents should be putting in their bodies. It’s time to put an end to the double standard hypocrisy and take it off the list.
Thank You,
Clem Dominguez
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher and seventeen other congresspeople have already signed a letter to ask President Obama to take marijuana off the controlled substances list. This is a great start but we need to apply more pressure.
Because marijuana is considered a class 1 drug, medical marijuana stores where it’s sanctioned can’t set up a bank account, and have to operate as a cash only business. This is the excuse many cities use to try to zone medical marijuana stores out of existence.
This is a Tenth Amendment issue if there ever was one. The federal government should not be telling states what their residents should be putting in their bodies. It’s time to put an end to the double standard hypocrisy and take it off the list.
Thank You,
Clem Dominguez