To: The United States House of Representatives
Congress: The Time Is Now to Protect Voters. Modernize the VRA
Voting discrimination cannot be tolerated in the 21st century. The signers of this petition call on Congress to protect all voters by passing the bipartisan Voting Rights Amendment Act (VRAA)
Why is this important?
Over a year ago, the U.S. Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act. Now states and localities around the country are making changes that will discriminate against voters based solely on the color of their skin or the language they speak. And voters will feel the impact of these changes this November.
Congress must protect all voters by passing the bipartisan Voting Rights Amendment Act (VRAA), enacting modern, nationwide protections against discrimination at the ballot box.
Since the VRAA (HR 3899/S 1945) was introduced this January, the Senate has held one hearing on the bill, and the House has failed to act. Inaction is not an option. Every day Congress fails to live up to their constitutional obligation to protect the right to vote, it gives a free pass to voting discrimination.
Sign the petition to make sure your member of Congress hears from you about your support for voting rights.
Congress must protect all voters by passing the bipartisan Voting Rights Amendment Act (VRAA), enacting modern, nationwide protections against discrimination at the ballot box.
Since the VRAA (HR 3899/S 1945) was introduced this January, the Senate has held one hearing on the bill, and the House has failed to act. Inaction is not an option. Every day Congress fails to live up to their constitutional obligation to protect the right to vote, it gives a free pass to voting discrimination.
Sign the petition to make sure your member of Congress hears from you about your support for voting rights.