To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Congress: You have the power to get Trump's taxes

The GOP-led Congress has voted up to seven times to block legislation that calls for the release of Trump's taxes since he took office! As your constituent, I demand that you vote to review Trump's taxes at every opportunity using existing authority.

Why is this important?

Congress has already had numerous opportunities to get hold of Trump's tax returns—with some House Republicans voting as many as seven times since Trump took office to block legislation that calls for the release of Trump's taxes.

Donald Trump promised to share his tax returns with us, but hasn't done it. And if left to Trump, he probably never will. Luckily, it's not up to Donald—Congress has the power, through existing authority, to compel Trump and/or the U.S. Treasury to release them. And Congress, like Trump, works for us!

Trump's taxes could include information critical to our national interest—they could show us who Trump has been financially entangled with, and who he may be working to please, beyond the American people. It is critical that we see who Trump is connected to, and how he might be personally benefitting from his actions as President.

It's time we found out who's been paying Donald Trump.
