To: The United States House of Representatives
Congressional GOP must GO!!
To remove any poltician that does not sign on to change the taxcode back to what it was before the Bush Era Tax Cuts for those who make $250 thousand or more. We are not raising anyones taxes. We are only returning to the rate they paid before the nice easy convenient ride they have received over the last 10 yrs. To Vote out any politician that does not make sure that the 98% of taxpayers are allowed to remain under the same taxes we have currently. A list will be completed and forwarded and shared on all forms of mass communications so that when the election season arrives, those names will be a the forefront to remove them from Congress by popular vote. They have made the Middle Class suffer enough.. It is time to return the Good Treatment we received to them.
Why is this important?
If the GOP does not stop this game they are playing with the "Fiscal Cliff" and get in the game , each and everyone that votes against bipartisan working ahead to begin really good outcomes will be voted out in 2014.