To: President Donald Trump and The United States House of Representatives

Congressional Overreach/Protect Due Process

Help expose unauthorized congressional overreach. As a leader in Congress that believes transparency in government is critical to our Democracy, can you please identify the member who had access to Tim DeChristopher's personal email and secretly directed the Bureau of Prisons to place him in isolation? Mr. DeChristopher exposed illegal land bids for corporate profit.

Why is this important?

Congress and the US Government have taken a stance of revoking the constitutional rights of individuals, in favor of detaining people without trial or access to legal rights. Essentially, anyone can be labeled a terror suspect. After being sentenced to 2 years imprisonment for challenging illegal oil company domestic land sales, environmental activist Tim DeChristopher, an unidentified Congressman directed the Bureau of Prisons to place DeChristopher in isolation. In the United States, an unjust, unauthorized investigation of a patriot for exposing illegal land bids for corporate profit!