In light of overwhelming evidence of recent government agency abuses of power (e.g., IRS, EPA, NSA) in conjunction with the determination that junk science and false data had been been used by the NPS against the leaseholder of the Point Reyes Oyster Farm, we the undersigned demand Congress authorize and act upon a thorough independent investigation/audit of the GGNRA/NPS with respect to their soon to be released GGNRA Pet Management Policy.
Why is this important?
The soon to be released GGNRA/NPS 2013 Pet Management Policy will affect all stakeholders who utilize portions of the 80,000 plus acres of parkspace in Marin, San Francisco and San Mateo Counties to recreate with their companion animals. This policy was formerly encapsulated in the GGNRA's 1979 Pet Policy, but is now under assault from the GGNRA and certain like-minded extreme environmentalist individuals and groups.