To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Congressional Term Limitations

We would suggest that a member of Congress, House or Senate, not serve more than two consecutive terms under a national policy. There would have to be safeguards in place such as staggering of elections, so that at no time would we ever have an entirely new face in government. Currently, there appears to be strong support for this measure by almost everyone except those in Washington DC, including lobbyists.
Please show your support for a strong, honest government that is once again FOR THE PEOPLE and not just the players in Congress. Help to ENACT TERM LIMITATIONS NOW!

Why is this important?

For many years and several Presidential terms now, our government shows more and more everyday how the most serious issues facing our Congress are decided by political wars, self-interests and pocket-lining, rather than what serves the best interests of our taxpayers and citizens.
We propose that TERM LIMITATIONS be imposed on the members of our House and Senate so that matters may be dealt with more objectively and in favor of the people. Several states saw the benefit of term limitations long ago and they are self-imposed. The vast majority of states have not been willing to see the benefit to such a policy. We would suggest that a member of the House not serve more than three consecutive terms and a member of the Senate not more than 2 consecutive terms. Currently, 60-78% of voters support this measure.
Please show your support for a stronger, more effective government that is once again FOR THE PEOPLE and not just the players in Congress. Help to ENACT TERM LIMITATIONS NOW!