To: Robin Shackleford, Representative, Glenda Ritz,, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, President Donald Trump, The Indiana State House, The Indiana State Senate, Governor Eric Holcomb, The United States House of Representatives, an...

Congressman Carson: Please Stop Special Education Corruption In Indiana's Public School System!!!

Parent's Unite!! Let's put a end to Special Education Corruption and Educator Abuse against Children with Special Needs in Indiana's
public school system. Let's protect the Educational rights and Human rights of our children.

Why is this important?

My son Warren, attended the Indiana public school system and was denied hearing impaired services. These specific services are necessary for a individual child to benefit from special education. My son, is now a young adult that continues to suffer as a result of not receiving these services. I am still on the front line fighting for the rights of our special needs children. Special needs children, are being denied equal educational opportunities. African American boys and children of color that are diagnosed with learning disabilities are disproportionately impacted. The educational outcomes for minority children and the systemic inequities have been well documented in special education. We must put a end to disability and racial discrimination in Indiana's public school system. Parents that speak out against educator abuse against children with special needs are often retaliated against and punished. Parents let's unite, to stop educational abuse and corruption in Indiana's public school system.
This problem is nationwide, together let's move to put a end to educational abuse regarding children with special needs in our United States school system. Congressman Carson, you are our Federal Representative, we are demanding that you support a federal investigation by the United States Department of Justice and the United States Department Of Education to expose Special Education Corruption in Indiana's Educational System. I have filed state and federal complaints regarding race and disability discimination and my complaints have fallen on deaf ears. State sanctioned child abuse is a crime!!!