To: Rep. Tom McClintock (CA-4)
Congressman McClintock: Extend Jobless Aid for 220k in CA
We urge you to support reauthorizing the Emergency Unemployment Compensation program for more than two million unemployed job-seekers, including 220,000 people in California.
Why is this important?
Congress failed to act, yet again, and unemployment benefits that help millions of long-term unemployed workers and their families are expiring.
The Economic Policy Institute estimates that this will cost the economy $37.8 billion and 310,000 jobs. Denying jobless aid isn't just economically reckless -- it's morally wrong.
Unemployed workers are being dropped off the rolls daily. That's why we need to let Congressman Tom McClintock know that his district supports extending a lifeline to long-term unemployed workers.
The Economic Policy Institute estimates that this will cost the economy $37.8 billion and 310,000 jobs. Denying jobless aid isn't just economically reckless -- it's morally wrong.
Unemployed workers are being dropped off the rolls daily. That's why we need to let Congressman Tom McClintock know that his district supports extending a lifeline to long-term unemployed workers.