To: Congressman Allen West (FL_18)
Congressman West: Denounce ALEC today!
ALEC's shadow corporate agenda has no place in our open Democracy. Follow Coca Cola's lead and publicly discontinue your relationship with ALEC today!
Why is this important?
BREAKING NEWS: Coca Cola has announced its decision to stop supporting the highly-controversial corporate group ALEC (the American Legislative Exchange Council).
ALEC brings corporations and politicians together behind closed doors to discuss so-called "model bills." ALEC's agenda includes:
-Pushing the Stand Your Ground law that Trayvon Martin's killer is using as his defense
-Promoting Arizona-style immigration laws across the country
-Working to disenfranchise African Americans, Latinos, students, the elderly, and the poor
Coca Cola has made the right decision in pulling their support from ALEC. Ask Congressman West to do the same.
ALEC brings corporations and politicians together behind closed doors to discuss so-called "model bills." ALEC's agenda includes:
-Pushing the Stand Your Ground law that Trayvon Martin's killer is using as his defense
-Promoting Arizona-style immigration laws across the country
-Working to disenfranchise African Americans, Latinos, students, the elderly, and the poor
Coca Cola has made the right decision in pulling their support from ALEC. Ask Congressman West to do the same.