To: President Donald Trump, Hon. Steven Barrett, Acting Justice (Bronx), Justice, Judge Melissa Jackson, Judge, The New York State House, The New York State Senate, Governor Andrew Cuomo, The United States House of Representatives, and The U...

Conspiracy: An Unjust Charge

Stop sentencing young minorities to long or indefinite prison terms as a result of being charged with conspiracy. It is an extremely vague charge that ruins the lives of many Americans in one way or another.

Why is this important?

I have been a witness to the disappearance of many young folks in poverty-stricken communities as they are swooped off the streets and sentenced to harsh terms in prison as a result of being convicted of conspiracy. My brothers, Robert (21) and Fatir (20) are at risk of spending the rest of their lives in prison, without a chance for rehabilitation. Please, don't wait until you are personally affected to take action against a charge that essentially is a threat to us all.
