To: Mayor Tom Giarrante and Mayor John Noak

Contact your local politicians

Say NO to Midwest Generation's inclusion into the DesPlaines Valley Enterprise Zone!

Why is this important?

Joliet & Romeoville will soon be deciding whether to give a "Tax Break" to Midwest Generation's Coal plants by including them into the Desplaines Valley Enterprise Zone

Their decision will affect all taxpayers Will County & in IL.

Like the tollways we are still paying for something that should have been paid off years ago. Total impact of Local & State sales tax exemptions thru 2018 is estimated to be $1.2 Billion - IL is broke how can we afford to give their tax break.

Midwest Gen wants a tax break to upgrade their facilities.
Tax payers of IL have already paid for these upgrades & are still paying for the upgrades on these coal plants.

Edison International, their parent company states they're more profitable than other like industry & that their assets total more than $36 billion. Let them pay the taxes. Enough is enough!
