To: The Texas State House, The Texas State Senate, Governor Greg Abbott, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Control the Trigger - Save a Life

We need gun control, ASAP! 18 mass shootings in the US in the first two months of 2018 alone- there’s an ongoing issue that is being avoided by the people who have the power to put an end to all of this and prevent future gun massacres.

Why is this important?

Guns are too powerful and in the hands of too many people. How many lives have to be lost? How many bullets have to render another person dead? How many schools, nightclubs, churches, music events, etc., have to be the host of people being killed left and right? How many people have to face the barrel of a gun and pray that the last thing they see isn’t a bullet charging at them, through tears causing their vision to blur? How many people have to overpower and reign with terror, all while behind a gun? How much has to happen before change happens? So many of the people we’ve lost to gun massacres could have done so many wonderful things, but more than that, they could’ve been around to see tomorrow, to face yesterday, and to embrace today. Military-style assault weaponry should be banned from civilian possession, including former military members. Psychiatric tests should be administered before permitting gun licenses and gun sales; tests should be given as regularly as every 6 months or so, to every gun owner. Complete, legitimate background checks should take place before supplying a gun, a fatal weapon, to someone. Control the type of guns allowed to be possessed by a civilian. You don’t have to rid of guns completely, but control the possession and restrict the uses of guns. Guns are lethal, and the longer we wait to change the culture of guns and control gun use and possession, the more blood there will be on the hands of all government officials.