To: State Representative Adam Zemke and The Michigan State House

Conversion Therapy with Minors in Michigan

End Conversion Therapy with Minors in Michigan. Conversion Therapy is defined as: Psychiatric therapy aimed at changing a person’s sexual orientation, based upon the assumption that homosexuality is a mental disorder requiring therapy (a position condemned by the The American Psychiatric Association as unethical).

Why is this important?

I am a student at Eastern Michigan University in the Masters of Social Work Program. I am starting this petition in support of Rep. Zempke's bill to end conversion therapy by mental health professionals in the state of Michigan. The bill was introduced on February 13th 2018 for the 3rd time. Conversion therapy has no scientific basis and has many potential risks for clients, including depression, anxiety, social isolation and self-destructive behavior. According to many in the mental health community, sexual orientation and expressions of gender identity occur naturally therefore, there is no reason sexual orientation needs to be changed especially with methods proven to be harmful. Please help support the LBGTQ community in our state.
