To: The New Jersey State House, The New Jersey State Senate, and Governor Phil Murphy


16,000+ New Jersey Civil Union Partnerships request that these UNIONS be immediately Converted to full NJ MARRIAGES without having to refile and "RE-MARRY". This is causing emotional and financial hardships by preventing these Civil Union Partnerships from immediately enjoying the protections of full marriage benefits.

Why is this important?


16,000+ Same Sex couples completed the process of getting “Married” when New Jersey Civil Unions were promised to provide complete EQUALITY; they followed all the rules, paid the required fees, filed the applications and they have already had their wedding day. These Couples chose the people who would be their best men and maids of honor; they meticulously planned their special events, picked out the locations, the flowers, the Tuxedos and the Dresses. These couples already stood in front of their family members and friends to vow to love, cherish and obey each other for as long as they both shall live. And such as it is with any other Marriage, this experience was meant to be a “Once in a Lifetime” celebration and for that special day to be commemorated with each Anniversary Year on that exact date. These couples entered into New Jersey Civil Unions with the full knowledge, understanding and expectations of the being granted the legal equivalent to every other New Jersey Marriage. It’s time the New Jersey Legislature honor its promise of Full Marriage Equality to these Civil Union Partnerships.

More so than the injustice and the inequality created by excluding these Civil Unions from the full protections of marriage, Civil Union partners are forced to deal with a variety of legal, financial and emotional hardships. Of course with the recent court ruling most of these Civil Union Partnerships can now “get married” just like any other same-sex couple. But just as opposite-sex couples who were already Married would not be required to do this, it should not be required of Civil Unions. From a financial prospective, if these Civil Union partners are required to get "re-married', they would be doing so without preserving their original Civil Union date, in which case, they may be excluded from all types of benefits and tax deductions that can be claimed retroactively.

However, the option of “getting married” is no longer available to all Civil Unions. Without the ability to have Civil Unions recognized as Marriages, the surviving partner of a Civil Union where one partner dies or has died, may be excluded from death benefits including Federal Estate/Inheritance taxes exemptions, Social Security survivor benefits as well as many types of annuities and Pensions.

On behalf of the 16,000+ New Jersey Civil Union Partnerships, we respectfully and firmly request the immediate option to exchange their existing lawful NEW JERSEY CIVIL UNION PARTNERSHIP CERTIFICATES for NEW JERSEY MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES without any further fees or application requirements other than proper Identification. These newly exchanged certificates must be identical in every way with all other New Jersey Marriage Certificates and must include the original date of the Civil Union listed as the Date of Marriage. These Marriages should also be made legally retroactive as of the original Civil Union date, in accordance with the intention of the original 2006 Ruling of the New Jersey Supreme Court which ordered the State of New Jersey to provide Same Sex Couples the same exact rights of being "married" that are granted to Opposite Sex Marriages.

Please help us make this right by signing this petition today and then SHARING it with your family and friends. THANK YOU!
