To: Governor Ned Lamont

Convicted sex offenders living among women and children.

The Connecticut Department of Corrections has created a sex offender house in the wrong location. The eight bed house at 4 Clinton Street, Manchester, CT is surrounded by families with children and is within short walking distance of two schools. Children wait for the school bus each morning within ten feet of the front door. Neighbors are outraged and afraid to let their children play outside. Women are fearful to leave their homes. This house must be closed down.

Why is this important?

The Department of Corrections has created a sex offender house in your neighborhood. They need to change their policy of establishing housing for sex offenders without first determining if the location is appropriate. When this house was established in July, no contact was made with the town, the local police or the Department of Education. If they had looked at the number of single women and children in this area, it would have been clearly seen that this is no place for a sex offender house. The DOC needs to revise their policy and remove their house from this neighborhood.
