To: Montgomery County Circuit Court, Baltimore MD, Baltimore County Att'y General's Office

Cop Who Killed Girlfriend's Puppy and Texted Photo Will Serve Only 3 Months

Please demand that animal abuse charges be reinstated against Alec Eugene Taylor and that a stronger sentence be restored.

Why is this important?

Former Baltimore City police officer Alec Eugene Taylor killed his girlfriend's 7 month-old puppy Rocko for allegedly pooping on the carpet. He beat the dog, likely paralyzing him, then choked him until dead. It was later found that Rocko died from hemorrhage of the liver due to blunt-force trauma. After he killed Rocko, he texted his girlfriend a photo of the lifeless pup.

As a part of the plea deal, the animal abuse charge was dropped; and it's likely that Alec Eugene Taylor will spend only 3 months in jail for this wanton murder of a puppy.

An injustice has been ignored in the service of plea bargaining. A police officer has been allowed to commit a crime and not served the time that the crime demands had it been committed by a private citizen. Equal justice under the law applies to everyone equally; if anything, a police officer should be held to a higher standard.
