To: President Donald Trump, The Washington State House, The Washington State Senate, Governor Jay Inslee, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Corporation are not people and money is not free speech

We the American people need to amend the constitution to get unlimied amount of money out of campaign finance. This was a ruling that the supreme court gave to the corporations and the 1% in 2010.

Why is this important?

This is a huge problem to get people in office to help Americans move foward in the 21st century. There are huge problems that needs common sense solutions and when you are beholdened to only a few entities that put in unlimited amounts of money it keeps dishonesty and corruption rampant and solves nothing. We need honest Americans to run for office that wii help everyone not just the corporations and the 1%. It is about time to stand up to them who rules with an iron fist. People join with me to fix this problem now by signing my petition thank you for your time and passion and integrity.