To: President Donald Trump
Correct Governments definition of "Person" to exclude institutions such as corporations and othe...
Return the governmental definition of "people" to a definition that eliminates all entities which are not human beings with verifiable birth records and scientifically conventional characteristics of human life.
Why is this important?
The People of this country, on all sides of the political arena, have been insulted and their ability to act on behalf of their country's best interests severely compromised by allowing Corporations, to be given the same rights and privileges as citizens. Corporations are the very reason that our citizens, who were forced to pay into Social Security, and who believed the government's promise to return that investment by way of disability and/or retirement support, are now being told that there will be no social security for most seniors of today and beyond. Corporations stole with the government turning a blind eye and now you have given them by defining them as people, more votes and more power to corrupt our democratic process and manipulate our people one against the other to create an chaotic climate that they then use to further rob our country of its resources and values. Even the youngest citizen knows that a corporation is an entity, a structure, a self-serving business which may involve the input of human skills to run, but which is not in any way similar to a human being nor deserving of the basic human rights that corporate america has proven to be willing to sacrifice for our country's people in favor of acquiring more wealth for a small segment of an entity operating under the laws of North American business. By granting the corporation "person" status you are essentially granting each member of the excecutives of each corpororation more than one vote in our elections which is not acceptable in a democratic and free nation. The corporations enjoy not only more power than the people but they get the priveleges of extra voting power yet do not have the restrictions that american workers who are humans have to abide by such as restrictions on bargaining power to correct unfair labor practices of any kind. Already we the people, have seen the corporate "mind" in action.....creating propaganda to incite animosity between workers with legitimate claims of mistreatment , and voters who are wary of union extremists. They create this chaos, so that they will be assisted in their attempt to ultimately turn this democracy into a facist regime where the few fat-pockets on the top of the power pole rule the country and the values this country was founded on are trashed. Learn from history, and stop this movement of corporate takeover of American values now while you have the people's attention. You are right when you say you can't change the depth of corruption in the government alone, they'll simply dispose of you like they have done so many other times to leaders who hold to true American values for all its people. So act now and start by getting rid of that definition that allows Corporations to claim the rights only human beings should be allowed to claim. If not, explain to us why you are letting them have the chance to take not only all the social secuirty away but now all future prosperity that is acquired by the sweat of our human people..