To: The United States House of Representatives

Correct History Curricula

For centuries our schools have taught history based on lies and half truths. Men who roamed the earth as marauders, genocidal maniacs and mass murderers have received the titles of heroes and some even have national holidays in their honour while those who are responsible for the beginning of civilisation have been deleted completely from the history books and their story starts from what can only be seen as an obstacle or a hindrance to their true historical prowess, e.g. in medicine we are made to take the Hippocratic oath which attributes the roots of modern medicine to Hippocrates when in REALITY medicine was pioneered by Imhotep from whom Hippocrates acquired his teachings.

Why is this important?

To shift the paradigm from the lies and hypocrisy that our youth are subjected to. To stimulate a sense of pride in those who feel that their only history begins with slavery and to teach humility to those who have a falsely imprinted sense of entitlement.
