To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Cost of Higher Education Unconstitutional

We have the right to " life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness". Being unable to pursue better jobs, better occupations, better lifestyles due to the socioeconomic group you happen to be born into is discriminatory. Not only is the "common good" affected but the "individual freedoms" for more and more of our citizens are adversely affected everyday due to denial of reasonable access to higher ducation and technical training.

Why is this important?

I love the economically disavantaged children that I serve as an educator. I am faced with the need to leave teaching in order to pay off my student loans. These children and the job I do is important for their futures and the future of our society as a whole. I had no money to educate myself and see no possibility to pay my loans off in my lifetime. I know my individual freedoms are affected and it would affect a great many other lives, if I have to leave teaching in the pursuit of money.
