To: President Donald Trump

Create a national renewable energy jobs program

Dear President Obama,

On behalf of the unemployed, the under-employed, and the never employed, I would like to propose a National Renewable Energy Jobs Program.

Put all of us to work for America’s future, rebuilding our energy infrastructure so this country can stop wasting our greatest sustainable resources: the wind, the sun and the people.

Why is this important?

Due to the collapse of the U.S. housing bubble in 2007 and the global financial crisis that followed in 2008, millions of Americans (including myself) have struggled to survive and are loosing patience with the recovery.

This Great Recession will not really end and housing will not recover until well paying jobs with decent benefits are created again. A "National Renewable Energy Jobs Program" is the stimulus that our country needs. We must create local jobs in every region of America in the following ways:

• Building or remodeling factories to make renewable energy systems such as wind turbines and solar panels. The rest of the world needs to make and use their own renewable energy systems so that our planet will become sustainable everywhere.

• Building “Renewable Energy Farms” and completing a “Smart Grid” to utilize the energies in every region. As an example, the Midwest might use wind power and bio-fuels while the Southwest might use solar and geothermal power.

• Funding with “Energy Security Bonds” that would allow U.S. corporations and wealthy individuals to reinvest their offshore accounts back into America. After converting our country into a "Renewable Energy Economy", all of the assets can be privatized and the bonds retired.

From a business perspective this program will produce a great “Triple Bottom Line.” There will be excellent environmental benefits in significantly reduced pollution, huge economic benefits from increased revenues & vast social benefits from job creation. And last of all, provide us with the freedom to improve our lives and to help rebuild our country so that future generations will remember to never underestimate the capabilities of the United States of America.
