To: Jacinto Jason Gochoco IV and President Donald Trump

Creating a National Bank by the People for the People

Create a National Bank that would use the interest payments to finance the national budget instead of earning billions for individuals who do not create any tangible goods or services from the handling of our money, and have no accountability when they mismanage it, being bailed out by the taxpayers. We should all be owners in the companies that were bailed out with each dollar they took being distributed according to how much it cost the individual in taxes that could not be spent on improving our education, police and fire services, or other services and infrastructure projects that we would have been able to had they not needed a bailout.

Why is this important?

This petition is not technical in its description. It is simply a wish for our government to admit that we have a problem with the economic system. The usage of money is an effective way to manage barter and trade, however, since we have never been able to pay the debt created on top of the money supply since it has always exceeded the total amount of the money supply, the "industry" of banking produces nothing, no goods or food that can be used to sustain life on our planet. It is only a tool that favors the rich hugely in order to create imaginary profits which enable those people to also contribute nothing to society and is payed for by denegrating the poor into paying the highest interest rates when each dollar of theirs is more vital to the basic survival of themselves and their dependents. We, the people of the Unites States, have an obligation to change policies which hinder the prosperity of our country. Currently the banking industry has perpetuated the figurative slavery of all who are not in the top percentages of income. We rely on our government to create laws that prevent people or corporations from taking too much without providing adequate goods or services to earn their wealth. Since money and banking are such critically important factors in our economy, the "industry" of banking should be run by the state, since it is a clear conflict of interest to have a business responsible for ensuring the safety of our money while also having an obligation to shareholders to produce profit at any cost. Since they do not actually create goods or services, there is no loss of anything contributing to the standard of life for us. This would also help to alleviate tax fraud since the records would largely be readily available to the Treasury. Honest Americans should have no reason to hide this information and should not fear that it will be spent unwisely, such as the bailout which was paid for by taxpayers to earn the priveldge to continue to be taxed by interest we couldn't afford in the first place. Since the U.S. made the money, it should earn the interest generated through loans, which will ultimately be paid back into public works. When the rich are left to "trickle down", that is not guaranteed, ever, & generally one does not become rich by giving money away. Before we reach the brick wall of oil depletion, we need to take the power back from the corporations and give it back to the government, which represents the American people. Any outsourcing of American jobs needs to be accounted for and the opportunity cost to the people and communities from the loss of jobs, environmental damages in transporting goods across the world that could be produced domestically should be taxed accordingly to close this mammoth loophole to maximize profit over the country's stability, & is reaching critical points of economic disparity where many people are out at risk of being homeless, starving with no opportunity to correct the problem realistically. It is largely the biggest threat to our nation than all of crime, extremists, and disease put together, & many of those problems are in fact secondary problems caused by the current economic problem that I am humbly begging for you to truly change the world, to oppose the holders of power (money) from continuing this is dangerous, but they can keep the wealth they have now, but once it runs out they should have to produce goods or services to earn future wealth without cheating the environment and people to make huge profits for the top while people can barely afford the basics or not afford them at all. This is not a request for socialism, or communism, just a check to keep the levels of profits to those who create, not rest on their laurels.
