Unauthorized Credit Checks to determine whether or not you are considered for employment; which has nothing to do with your education or qualifications. We have a some years of a bad economy!!!!
Why is this important?
I have been out of work for over a year now due to the fact that the company that I was working for closed down. I have two degrees and have applied for close to four hundred jobs. I also lost my home of thirteen years to foreclosure. I am also in the process of trying to clean up my credit. And in doing so; I am finding that employers are running credit checks to see if you are a good candidate for a job. My circumstances should not be the factor of whether or not I can do a job. It also brings down your beacon score every time someone pull up your credit. What I am trying to correct; they are adding to the problem and it should not be allowed. Finally, I know that I am a great employee!