To: Mike Freeman, Hennepin Country Attorney, Jacob Frey, Minneapolis Mayor, Phillipe Cunningham, 4th Ward CM, Jeremiah Ellison, 5th ward CM, and Steve Fletcher, 3rd Ward CM

Crime in Downtown Minneapolis

Whereas there has been a 53% increase in robberies in downtown Minneapolis.
Whereas there have been at least 16 people arrested for their parts in these robberies.
Whereas downtown Minneapolis is a popular destination for dining, entertainment, and “nightlife”.
Whereas people are becoming afraid to go to downtown Minneapolis, causing business owners to lose revenue.

We the undersigned people request that Mike Freeman and the Hennepin Country Attorneys Office vigorously prosecute the perpetrators of these violent crimes and continue to do so. We also request that a task force be established involving the county attorneys office, the Minneapolis Police, Hennepin Country Sheriff's Office and members of the judiciary to examine the ongoing problems in Downtown Minneapolis and the fourth precinct in Minneapolis in an effort to reduce the crime that is pervasive in these places.

We also believe more police need to be added to both Downtown and the fourth precinct.

Why is this important?

Going downtown Minneapolis is dangerous, robberies are up 53% and it seems that a weekend doesn't go by where people are shot in downtown Minneapolis. It doesn't have to be this way.
