To: President Donald Trump

Criminal Violations of the Constitution

Our original Constitution Violations by our alleged President

Why is this important?

Impeach Obama [or whatever his real name is] for violations of the Constitution of the United States
To be delivered to: President Barack Obama

As a Citizen of the United States of America I feel that the sitting president in our Oval Office has failed to present the required documentation to even hold his position as president ~ All that he delayed into presenting was ruled nothing more that criminal forgeries ~ The alleged President Barack Hussein Obama has been violating my Contitutional Rights against me who is a lawful and legal citizen of the United States of America ~ He has also created Executive Order to bypass Congress that violates the Constitution of the United States of America ~ He had failed to address the issues such as making justice work in deportation of his illegal / unlawful aunt and uncle ~ He needs to be impeached for failure in compliance with his oath of office
The alleged President Barake Hussein Obama has been violating my Contitutional Rights against me who is a lawful and legal citizen of the United States of America ~ He has also created Executive Order to bypass Congress that violates the Constitution of the United States of America ~ He had failed to address the issues such as making justice work in deportation of his illegal / unlawful aunt and uncle ~ He needs to be impeached for failure in compliance with his oath of office
